It's funny. The one possibly demeaning thing I recalled about the Hawk's Nest drive just as I started reading this is all of the graffiti on such a beautiful natural spot.

Not the images you include here specifically but all of the graffiti in general.

Still, you've reminded to head back out there this fall to go back and make some more images.

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Oh, the humanity!

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Thank you for the important work that you do.

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This makes me wonder how many mating rituals have been performed on this stretch of scenic highway and how have they changed over the decades?

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The real question is where does the second to last Johnson rank on the all consuming scale?

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Who knows maybe the hands had a similar meaning as these new symbols you've found today 🤔

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With the first paragraph and image, I wondered in there were cave paintings along Hawk’s Nest I didn’t know about.

The payoff was so much better than I could have imagined.

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Ya think?

Or…….. Maybe aliens left the hieroglyphics at Hawk’s Nest as a message, just for you, after observing the human race from afar. Maybe they knew you’d be passing through, as you so often do, to make your most amazing photographs of the place, so they picked this very spot to communicate. Maybe, after observing the way humans can be cruel to one another—especially artists who use their “art” to do so—they decided it was time to intervene. Maybe the rudimentary artist they sent from their race to create the message, unfamiliar with our language, accidentally left off the words “Don’t be a” in front of the rudimentary drawings. Maybe the alien in charge didn’t send said alien artist back to earth to finish the job, and instead said to the green alien artist, who was just doing its best in the world (their world and the worlds it is sent on missions to), “No worries, young alien. The human that discovers it will get the point.” Maybe that alien race does not understand humans as well as they think they do. Maybe they should send their rudimentary artist back to finish the job and make that message plainly obvious after all.

Only time will tell.

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