Congrats, that’s awesome

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I'm happy you took the pics, even if that wasn't part of the deal. And I hope you're able to get your situ sorted with a full and easy recovery.

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James Turrell's art is so special. You have to be present physically and mentally. I just did another pilgrimage to Mass Moca myself, and will go again soon. You see something different every time. Did you see his piece Hind Sight? Mind blowing. Great post here, and hope all goes well.

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That was some lovely writing. And thanks for introducing me to James Turrell. I'm looking forward to seeing his work someday. I'm not a photographer, but your class sounds amazing. I'd love to talk about that stuff and get mildly depressed. I hope whoever takes my imaginary slot will enjoy the bummed-outness as much as I truly would.

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I want to gooooo

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Big fan

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There’s a great Terrell skyspace at the Cheekwood facility in Nashville, titled Blue Pesher. No restriction on photos. They also have a multi-track outdoor model railroad display and a pond full of randy turtles.

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I didn't think I had heard of James Turrell before, but the photos of his installations looked rather familiar. I figured it out: I have visited his installation here in Bentonville, Arkansas. I just didn't retain his name. I won't forget it now. https://maps.app.goo.gl/owh8GwY9F1S1sUtb9

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The most incredible experience I had at a Turrell exhibition was the performance of site specific "sound and light composition" called Trajectory of a Curve performed in the Sky Space on the campus of Rice University in Houston. It was totally weird, beautiful and unexpected. I took lots of pictures. And even a short video. https://moody.rice.edu/events/trajectory-curve-sound-and-light-composition-kurt-stallmann Pain sucks. Surgery is a bummer. Hope it helps.

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